Laura Sapelly

A painter’s advice

A painter’s advice

While we continue to cope with COVID, this week, I quote a couple of letters from Vanessa Bell just before and during the Second World War (From Selected Letters of Vanessa Bell, ed. Regina Marler).   Bell the painter was the older sister of writer Virginia Woolf.  ...
Writing, painting, staying sane

Writing, painting, staying sane

In mid-April, snow fell on Chicago. In spring, snow would upset me, along with the cold, the gray, The shut-in order changed much for me.  I now welcome the snow.  Conjuring that comforting safe place, I hark back to a sweet if hectic December: Driving like mad with...
Original Shut-ins

Original Shut-ins

While reflecting upon “control” – being deprived of walking, of being in public, going into restaurants and bars alone or with others – it hit me that as a woman, these privileges granted to me quite recently, relative to human history....
Dodging, crying, running

Dodging, crying, running

Another run along Lincoln Park, careful to dodge fellow runners, walkers, some masked as we continue to distance ourselves from one another. Another cool but mild Saturday in Chicago, 59 degrees with the sun shining through scattered clouds moving northbound. My feet...
Scattered and gridded

Scattered and gridded

            I feel like one of my scribbled stitched quilts, unfocused, random, easily distracted… Yet, a couple continues to shoot baskets in the alley across from my building each morning; oddly, I find it a most comforting sound...